Black Russian Pumpernickel Bread

Russian Black Pumpernickel Bread

Russian Black Pumpernickel Bread cooling on the porch

If we are in the US for our anniversary, I always make this bread. It was impossible to do that in China, since there was no rye flour available until recently. This bread is fantastic with cherry jam. We ate it on our 10th wedding anniversary in Maine slathered with jam sitting by the ocean. The fragrance of the cherries with the cocoa and coffee powder that is hinted in the bread is outstanding.

This year we will have our 40th anniversary, and we are still making it every year!

Mix in a bowl:
1 ½ cups lukewarm water (105-110F)
½ cup molasses
1 package yeast

Let stand for 10 minutes or until slightly foamy.

Stir in and then mix:
1 Tbsp. instant coffee granules
2 cups medium rye flour
Up to 1 Tbsp Salt
1 ½ Tbsp unsweetened cocoa powder

Add: 2 cups whole wheat flour 1 cup bread flour -or enough to make a sticky dough.

Turn it out of the bowl and let it rest for a few minutes.

Add additional flour and knead the dough. ~1 cup bread flour

Breads with rye flour are always a little sticky.
Put 2 Tbsp. oil into clean bowl.
Turn the ball of dough to make the oil cover it, then let it rise until the dough is tripled in bulk.

Second kneading: Knead in 1 cup raisins. Cover and let rise until doubled.

Sprinkle a large baking sheet with 3-4 Tbsp cornmeal. Cut dough into 3 pieces and shape into loaves, cover and let rise until doubled.

Cook at 400 degrees 35- 40 minutes, but before

    cooking beat an egg white with 1 Tbsp water and brush on top of loaves. This makes the top shiny, and is a wonderful touch.
    Check the internal temperature when you think it is done.  190F means it is cooked properly.
2 Responses to Black Russian Pumpernickel Bread
  1. Shayne Hannum
    February 15, 2013 | 4:39 am

    Fantastic! I have not made my own yet but had it at Josh and Chars just the other day! Thanks Elyn for keeping up the tradition!

  2. Elyn MacInnis
    July 28, 2014 | 12:04 am

    Just made this again. Had to use regular flour instead of bread flour, and it worked out well. Glad to know that there is still powdered expresso in the house. This year we have home made cherry jam, with added organic cherry concentrate syrup that added serious cherry flavor to the jam. C&J in WVA, M in NJ on the coast… all alone with Hermes and Cricket. The weather is so cool it is not hideous to have the oven going. What a great summer this has been.

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