Valentine’s Day honey cookies

These cookies are so good we have made them for every Valentine’s Day since 1974.  They are not overly sweet, and if you want to have colors, you can make an icing glaze and add decorations like red hot candies, conversation hearts, sprinkles of all sorts.  Conversation hearts are fun because you can make messages with them.  My favorite is red hots.

Valentine cookies website


4 Tablespoons butter in a pan
Add to pan:
3/4 cup of honey
and mix well.
Cool and set aside.


4 cups flour
in a bowl with the following dry ingredients:

1 teaspoon baking soda
1 heaping teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon freshly grated nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon salt

Then take:

2 eggs – beat with
3/4 cup sugar until it is very pale yellow


1/2 cup ground almonds
1/3 cup minced candied citron
1 Tablespoon grated lemon peel

Then add the dry ingredients.

Mix all the ingredients together with a wooden spoon until you have a stiff dough.  It is better if you put the dough in the refrigerator overnight.  You can freeze it too, and pull it out a few hours before you want to use it.

Roll out the dough.  We prefer thin cookies, and roll it as thin as possible.  Preheat your oven to 350 degrees F. (180 C).  Cook them for 8-10 minutes, depending on how thin they are.  You have to pay attention for the first batch so you will know how long to bake the later batches.  Cool well before icing.

Icing recipe

2 cups 10x powdered icing sugar
4 tablespoons of milk
1 teaspoon oil without strong flavor. Canola or grape seed is good.
A few drops vanilla extract
a small pinch of salt

Mix all the ingredients well in a small bowl.  You can split the icing into three small bowls, leaving one white, and gradually adding red food coloring to the other two bowls until you get two different shades of pink.  That way you will end up with three different colors of frosting.  Be careful – some people are sensitive to red food dye, so you may just want to leave the frosting white and use the Valentine’s Day candy to add color to the cookies.

We spread newspaper on our big dining room table, then add a layer of waxed paper to put the cookies on.  It is a very beautiful sight when all the cookies have been iced and covered in colorful Valentine’s Day candy.

Dip the front of the cookie in the bowl face down, and then use your fingers to take the excess away.  You can use plastic gloves if you like.  Then add the candy to the top before it dries.  Spread the finished decorated cookies out on the waxed paper.  For the cookies to dry well, you will have to move them around so that the underside has a chance to dry.




One Response to Valentine’s Day honey cookies
  1. […] Honey Cookies that can be rolled out .   They are not too sweet, but have a delicious honey-spice flavor. […]

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